Gaza Webinar: Is Israel Cornered?

2 Jan

Israel despite a transparent genocidal onslaught in Gaza that has gone on for more than three months may find itself cornered: unable to prevail, unable to accept defeat. What then?

Wed., Jan. 10 at 7 PM EasternThe Gaza War, Short & Long-Term Diplomatic Imperatives, & Implications for the Middle East and Geopolitics, with panelists Richard Falk, Irene Gendzier, and Assaf Kfoury. Discussing: What must be done to end the war? To prevent escalation to a still more catastrophic regional war? To begin the difficult diplomacy to ensure the rights, dignity, and security of both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples? To create U.S. policies that defuse rather than exacerbate militarism, divisions, and tensions across the Middle East?

Sponsored by: Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security

* Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University

* Irene L. Gendzier isProfessor Emerita at Boston University, Dept. of History and Political Science

* Assaf Kfoury is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Boston University

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5 Responses to “Gaza Webinar: Is Israel Cornered?”

  1. Vladimir January 2, 2024 at 3:32 pm #


    The president of every single institution, including the presidency, is installed by the Jewish mafia money. HARVARD PRESIDENT who was installed by the Jewish money donor to help the mafia interests against American interest, just has been kicked out by the mafia tribe. She was exposed by the Jewish donor that Gay was installed not due to her academic credentials, but through DIVERSITY.
    Gay just was kicked out of office because she refused to accept the meaning of INTIFADA as the zionist clown, Stefanik, at the Congres wanted her to accept, twisted meaning of Intifada, ‘genocide of Jewish people’ which is a LIE. The GENOCIDE has committed by this mafia tribe, yet other people must pay. Where is f*cking ICC? ICC has been formed by the same criminal tribe to accept their own fake ‘genocide’ in order to steal Palestine.

    When a country is run by a mafia tribe, then America is NOT sovereign and is run a zionist Mafia tribe where should be totally destroyed. Are American people that IMPOTENT to continue the status quo. Then SHAME on YOU all.

  2. Vladimir January 2, 2024 at 4:00 pm #

    If you say ‘Palestine will be free’ is an ‘antisemitic’. A NON semite is telling us what we should say to please the mafia members. This is the DEATH of America

  3. Vladimir January 2, 2024 at 5:09 pm #

    Harvard UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT was fired to please the genocidal mafia tribe. Now, who trust a word coming from Harvard University or Boston University or any institution due to influence of Jewish mafia money who dictate.


  4. Nada Pretnar January 2, 2024 at 9:38 pm #

    Hello, Will we in Europe have access to a link of the recording as the webinar is scheduled for 1:00 am? Many thanks Nada

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