SHAPE Conversation at a time of Crisis

28 Oct

Invites you to

[Prefatory Note: Several of us (Chandra Muzaffar and Joe Camilleri) responding to the global dangers arising from Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the nuclear dangers exposed, as well as spillover harm to the least developed countries, founded SHAPE (Saving Humaniy and Planet Earth to build a community of persons around the world dedicated to peace, justice, and ecological resilience. In view of Israel’s genocidal onslaught on the people of Gaza we are more convinced that the future of humanity depends as never before on the benevolent agency of the peoples of the world.]

SHAPE (Saving Humanity and Planet Earth) INVITES YOU

Tomorrow Sunday 29 October

Many thanks to all who have registered. If you and friends have not yet registered, you still can, but time is short. Registrations close in just over 24 hours. Attached poster gives all relevant details.

You can register here:

We look forward to your participation,

4 Responses to “SHAPE Conversation at a time of Crisis”

  1. David Hillstrom October 28, 2023 at 5:57 am #


    div dir=”ltr”>

    Good morning Richard,


    div dir=”ltr”>Thank you for the invitation. I won’t be free to jo

  2. Mr DR. SURYA NATH PRASAD October 28, 2023 at 6:59 am #

    A Wrap-up SpeechDialogue among Civilizations for PeaceCONFLICT RESOLUTION -MEDIATION, 9 Jul 2018 | | | | TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » CONFLICT RESOLUTION – MEDIATION

    Solutions-Oriented Peace Journalism |



    By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. –TRANSCEND Media ServiceDialogue among Civilizations for Peace

    | | | | TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » Articles by SuryaNathPrasad,Ph.D.

    Solutions-Oriented Peace Journalism |



    | | | | | |


    | | | | Dialogue among Civilizations for Peace

    Though human beings evolved from primitive virus to modern Homo sapiens and highly developed scientifically and … |



    The paper is based on A Wrap-upSpeech delivered by Dr. Surya Nath Prasad on 27 September 2001 at the UN Yearof Dialogue Among Civilizations and the 20th Anniversary of the UN Intl. Day ofPeace, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea

  3. Louna Farhat October 28, 2023 at 7:00 am #

    the war against the Palestinians requires the Western world’s support urgently.

  4. mosckerr October 29, 2023 at 1:39 pm #

    Bunk. The Western powers need to butt out of both the Russian/Ukraine border dispute and the Israeli war to force the unconditional surrender of Hamas.

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